Physicians Anonymous

Doctors supporting doctors

No name - no shame

about us

We are the only anonymous and confidential peer-support platform aimed to reduce physician distress, burnout, and suicide.

We are here to help you. And most importantly: you can stay anonymous.

This is the power of burnout peer-support and coaching with Physicians Anonymous!


Our stories

Fear: of disclosure, losing my license, and losing face. This is my physician burnout story as a founder of Physicians Anonymous.

A Physician Burnout Story (Part 1)

My career and life crashed to a halt after 25 years in clinical medicine. I was at one point “suicidal with planning and intent”. Medical knowledge in the hands of a suicidal physician can be deadly. As an affluent, respected physician, confident in my position, well-liked and admired by society, yet suffering inside, why did I not seek help?

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Those left behind

Reach out to your loved ones, and be honest. Trust me, they will help you. You are loved in more ways than you can imagine, because you are one unique lovable bright spot in this world. So stay with us and shine on us. This a Physicians Anonymous co-founder’s story of how she lost a spouse to suicide.

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Fear: of disclosure, losing my license, and losing face. This is my physician burnout story as a founder of Physicians Anonymous.

A Physician Burnout Story (Part 1)

My career and life crashed to a halt after 25 years in clinical medicine. I was at one point “suicidal with planning and intent”. Medical knowledge in the hands of a suicidal physician can be deadly. As an affluent, respected physician, confident in my position, well-liked and admired by society, yet suffering inside, why did I not seek help?

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Those left behind

Reach out to your loved ones, and be honest. Trust me, they will help you. You are loved in more ways than you can imagine, because you are one unique lovable bright spot in this world. So stay with us and shine on us. This a Physicians Anonymous co-founder’s story of how she lost a spouse to suicide.

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How we can help you

Studies have shown that more than half of health care practitioners meet the criteria for burnout or a mental health diagnosis.

However, few seek treatment because of fear that it would show up on their record, potentially affecting licensing, credentialing, or medical malpractice discovery.

Physicians Anonymous provides anonymous peer-support and coaching.

We fill a crucial niche in the physician support ecosystem.

Peer-support and coaching are not treatment and are completely off the record.

We aim to reduce physician suicide by 50% in 5 years.

Blog articles

Stories and science about why physician wellbeing is important for everyone


Coaching and mentoring for clinicians - with the option to stay anonymous

Anon meetings

Free support group meetings for those clinicians who wish to stay anonymous

Blog articles

Stories and science about physician burnout and why physician wellbeing is important for everyone

1:1 Coaching

Coaching and mentoring for clinicians - with the option to stay anonymous

Corporate offerings

Science-based individual and group coaching for hospital and clinic staff

Anon meetings

Free support group meetings for those clinicians who wish to stay anonymous


Get Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits with Physicians Anonymous

1:1 Coaching

Coaching and mentoring for clinicians - with the option to stay anonymous

Corporate offerings

Science-based individual and group coaching for hospital and clinic staff

Anon meetings

Free support group meetings for those clinicians who wish to stay anonymous

The world needs healthy, happy doctors.
By sharing our stories in confidence, we will become stronger.
By knowing that we are not alone, we will be able to serve our patients better.

Recent stories

How to be a good physician poem

Physician Poetry: How To Be a Good Doctor On a Very Bad Day

Physician Poetry: How To Be a Good Doctor On a Very Bad Day. The writer beautifully articulates the quiet suffering so many of us endure—the shame, the imposter syndrome of self-doubt, and the silent suffering and unnecessary isolation that comes with the weight of our responsibilities and our toxic medical system.

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Poem - The Human Conundrum - Dr Preyasha Tuladhar

Physician Poetry: The Human Conundrum

This poem, The Human Conundrum, explores the emptiness of consumerism and the need for deeper fulfillment through creativity, community, and connection with nature. It highlights the damage inflicted on the planet due to overconsumption while offering hope through imagination, unity, and action.

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