Month: January 2023

Coaching solution to physician burnout

Coaching: a solution to physician burnout?

Research suggesting low rates of help-seeking behavior among physicians. Yet an encouraging recent study showed that some 70% of physicians would engage with a professional coach. We argue that this openness to coaching provides a much-needed support system and a potential solution to the current pandemic of physician burnout and suicide.

physician self care

Physician self care is not selfish

Physician self care is not selfish. It’s essential to thriving in medicine. This article will explore barriers to physician self care and help physicians develop self-care practices for their physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual health.

second victim syndrome

“Second victim” trauma in medicine

When things go wrong, it is easy to focus only on the “first victim” and forget those around them affected by the error – especially the clinician who made a mistake, also known as the “second victim” in medicine.

Physician Suicide Prevention and Wellbeing Resources

Global Physician Suicide Prevention and Wellbeing Resources

Physicians Anonymous humbly hosts this living document of global resources for physician support.

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If you would like to add resources or your country please Contact us or leave details in the comments below.

overcome cognitive distortions

Cognitive distortions in medicine – part 2

Cognitive distortions are exaggerated or irrational thoughts that we have. In Part 2 of this article, by learning to tackle common cognitive distortions, you will be empowered to manage your amazing mind and smooth over the bumps in the road of a career in medicine.