Hero’s Journey: Letting Go of Self-Hate & Choosing Love Instead
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned on my Hero’s Journey is the importance of learning to accept ourselves (our full selves).
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned on my Hero’s Journey is the importance of learning to accept ourselves (our full selves).
When you allow yourself to truly see and sit with the fact that we are only here for a short period of time, it can feel scary… and also freeing.
I do my best thinking in the quiet, calmness of nature – with space to breathe and observe the beauty of the world around us. I perform best when I have time to think, process, and move at ease with intention. For years, I pushed myself to move faster – with an urgency that was getting me places faster- only to realize I was missing the opportunity to enjoy the journey and the destinations were not where I wanted to be.
Self-compassion does not make you soft. Boundaries do not make you closed off nor selfish. I had to repeat this many times before I started to understand how true and how essential self-compassion and boundaries are in our lives.
I’ve spent years deeply uncomfortable in my skin. Wanting to disappear.
Last night- a wave of anxiety hit me as it often does when the world gets quiet.
In tune with my body for a brief moment, my heart ached.
In a career when we always strive for more, when is enough enough? Dr Jillian Reigert DMD MD one of our Physicians Anonymous Approved Coaches guest blogs on “enoughness”.
In this article, Dr Reigert discusses her surgical residency journey, the effect of chronic sleep deprivation, the arrival fallacy, and giving yourself permission to pivot your career if Plan A isn’t working out. She also reminds us of the importance of getting professional help and that no career is worth your life.
“I think I need to take a medical leave.”
He replied with compassion and understanding, “When?”
I said, “Days or months ago, but I’ll settle for.. now.”
The next day, I was on medical leave. I risked my career to save my life.