Joe Sherman MD

Joe Sherman MD


physician burnout; matching “soul to role in practice”; joy in practice; transformational leadership; imposter phenomenon; men in medicine; mindful self-compassion; career discernment; certified physician; coach / facilitator / speaker; pediatrician

About the coach

I help health professionals transform their relationship with the unrelenting demands of their jobs and discover a path toward meaning, professional fulfillment, and career longevity. I believe the key to personal and professional success lies in bringing “soul to role” in your medical practice. Using a values-based approach and reflective practices, I work with clients to find the best fit for them either within their present organization or elsewhere.

Professional background

I have practiced pediatrics for 35 years concentrating on healthcare delivery to underserved and medically complex children in the District of Columbia, Tacoma WA, Seattle WA, Uganda, and Bolivia. I have experience in private practice, academic medicine, and community health. I have held numerous faculty positions and am currently Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Washington.

Personal background

After spending 4 years living and working in Bolivia with my family, I returned to the U.S. and my career as a pediatrician in academic medicine. I soon found the institutional, educational, and patient care demands placed upon me to be overwhelming. This eventually led to burnout, anxiety attacks, and a temporary departure from clinical medicine.

After a year of reflection, discernment, and support from a coach and therapist, I was able to determine what I truly loved about medicine. I returned to part-time pediatric practice while developing the skills to accompany other physicians to re-discover their passion for medicine.

Selected qualifications

  • Board Certified Pediatrician
  • Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics
  • Certified Physician Professional Development Coach
  • Retreat Facilitator with the Center for Courage and Renewal
  • Public Speaker


  • Practicing physicians
  • Residents
  • Medical students
  • Other: Advance practice clinicians

Key words

physician burnout; matching “soul to role in practice”; joy in practice; transformational leadership; imposter phenomenon; men in medicine; mindful self-compassion; career discernment; certified physician; coach / facilitator / speaker; pediatrician

Free 30-minute introductory meeting