Shuli Suman CPCC


burnout; overwhelm; change/transition; life-work balance; fulfillment; resilience; values alignment

About the coach

A catalyst for helping clients gain clarity, find balance, and create structures to fend off burnout, overwhelm, and anxiety. Find your joy and fulfillment.

Professional background

A long-time experienced entrepreneur with decades in the healthcare field working closely with physicians and other providers. Assessed and consulted for large healthcare organizations on opioid prescribing practices. As a non-physician who worked closely with physicians, I observed first-hand the experience of burnout and all that comes with it. Certified Professional Coach from 2017.

Personal background

An explorer and life long seeker of peace and joy. Two wonderful grown daughters. Passionate about what I do.

Selected qualifications

  • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach
  • Serial Entrepreneur / Founder


  • Practicing physicians
  • Residents
  • Medical students
  • Other health care practitioners

Key words

burnout; overwhelm; change/transition; life-work balance; fulfillment; resilience; values alignment

Free 30-minute introductory meeting