When is enough…. enough in your career?
In a career when we always strive for more, when is enough enough? Dr Jillian Reigert DMD MD one of our Physicians Anonymous Approved Coaches guest blogs on “enoughness”.
In a career when we always strive for more, when is enough enough? Dr Jillian Reigert DMD MD one of our Physicians Anonymous Approved Coaches guest blogs on “enoughness”.
The arrival fallacy — the idea that I will be happy when I reach X — can also contribute to mental health issues among physicians, who may struggle to find a sense of purpose and meaning in their work.
The arrival fallacy refers to the idea that reaching a specific goal or milestone will result in lasting happiness and fulfilment.
If adequate rest – both time off, time to sleep, and vacations – are essential to recharge our medical batteries, what would the effects of a longer period of time off be on physician burnout?