Physicians Anonymous

Author: Dr Corrigan

Sick physician portrait 2024

Sick physicians – sick system

Practicing medicine is making us physicians sick. Physicians in the US have some of the highest burnout, mental illness, addiction, and suicide rates in the world. Medical student and physician burnout and suicide are a “silent epidemic”.

Good enough physicians

The “Good Enough Doctor”: Rx for physician well-being?

Modern medicine is no stranger to the toxic trio of burnout, stress, and dissatisfaction, and perfectionism plays the role of the puppet master. It’s time to swap the scalpel for a mirror and reflect. Bowlby’s framework challenges physicians to redefine excellence, shifting from unattainable perfection to a sustainable “good enough” approach.


The Perfectionism Plague in Medicine

My biggest fear in medicine is messing up. Inevitably, it happens. And while we rightly are trained to reflect, detect and learn from errors, improve practice, and ultimately save lives, the flip side – the cost of excessive perfectionism – can be very high, especially on physician well-being.

Physician therapy

To therapy or not to therapy? That is the question for physicians

The demanding nature of modern medicine places physicians under significant stress and strain, prompting a growing interest in the benefits of therapy to help them navigate the complexities of their profession. Engaging in proactive therapy can offer physicians a unique opportunity to enhance their insight, manage stress, and foster emotional well-being. However, like any intervention, it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Personal development exercises for physicians

Personal development exercises for physicians

“Physician heal thyself,” says the aphorism. By extension, we could also say, “Physician know thyself”. Understanding one’s priorities is a crucial aspect of personal development. Here are five self-help exercises, including the obituary/eulogy exercise, to help individuals gain clarity on their priorities:

Physicians Anonymous Offerings

New year, new you?

As the new year begins, what are you going to do differently to improve your well being and happiness? In this article, we walk you through your options: change at your job, change your job, or change yourself. The latter option is made easier through Physicians Anonymous’s offerings.

Physician therapy

A closer look at physician therapy vs coaching

So the new year is near, and physicians everywhere are planning to make 2024 an even better one. Our intentions may be to engage in more self-care, develop a better LIFE-work-balance, and learn about ourselves in an “examined life”. In this context, the debate between therapy and coaching for physicians takes center stage, raising important questions about the most suitable approach for addressing the unique challenges faced by medical professionals.

To therapy or not? That is the question.

An examined medical life

As a trained psychiatrist, workaholic, depressive, and (formerly) excellent clinician, I’ve come to the following maxim with apologies to REM: “Everybody needs a little therapy (sometimes)”. As the year winds down and the nights draw in, we are taking time to reflect on 2023. Over the next weeks over the Holidays and after we ring in the new year, Physicians Anonymous will be publishing a series on self-examination.

Physicians anonymous report 2023

Physicians Anonymous Report (2023)

We’ve achieved a TON in 2023, especially as we are self-funded and run by volunteers. So from 2024- HOW do we reach the suffering physician? How do we let our colleagues know that there is a safe place where they can be human first, healer second? Where they will not be judged, but they will be heard and loved. Where we can laugh and cry together bonded by the commonality of being wounded healers.

Solve quiet quitting

Solving quiet quitting in medicine

Unlike overt resignations, quiet quitting manifests as a subtle withdrawal, marked by disengagement and diminished job satisfaction. To effectively address this issue, it is imperative to delve into the scale of the problem, understand the causes behind this quiet exodus, and propose actionable solutions tailored to mitigate its impact.