Physician burnout and illness
In this article, we explore the link between the burnout syndrome as it relates to doctors, and the impacts on their physical and mental health.
In this article, we explore the link between the burnout syndrome as it relates to doctors, and the impacts on their physical and mental health.
In this article, we explore the history of the “burnout syndrome” in general and as it relates to physicians specifically. Why is physician burnout history important?
Reach out to your loved ones, and be honest. Trust me, they will help you. You are loved in more ways than you can imagine, because you are one unique lovable bright spot in this world. So stay with us and shine on us. This a Physicians Anonymous co-founder’s story of how she lost a spouse to suicide.
What exactly is physician burnout? In this article, we explore the construct of the burnout syndrome definition as it relates to doctors: a physician burnout definition.
We are not superheroes. We need to navigate the Fine Line Between Appreciation and Realism.
“Front-line”, “battle”, “the trenches”. These terms are all too familiar when talking about modern medicine. Why are we referencing war when we should be talking about healing?
Doctors and those in training are taught to put the needs of others ahead of their own – often to the detriment of their own well-being. Self-compassion can play a vital role in supporting physician wellness and overall work satisfaction.
In a career when we always strive for more, when is enough enough? Dr Jillian Reigert DMD MD one of our Physicians Anonymous Approved Coaches guest blogs on “enoughness”.
The arrival fallacy — the idea that I will be happy when I reach X — can also contribute to mental health issues among physicians, who may struggle to find a sense of purpose and meaning in their work.
The arrival fallacy refers to the idea that reaching a specific goal or milestone will result in lasting happiness and fulfilment.
If adequate rest – both time off, time to sleep, and vacations – are essential to recharge our medical batteries, what would the effects of a longer period of time off be on physician burnout?
In this article, Dr Reigert discusses her surgical residency journey, the effect of chronic sleep deprivation, the arrival fallacy, and giving yourself permission to pivot your career if Plan A isn’t working out. She also reminds us of the importance of getting professional help and that no career is worth your life.
“I think I need to take a medical leave.”
He replied with compassion and understanding, “When?”
I said, “Days or months ago, but I’ll settle for.. now.”
The next day, I was on medical leave. I risked my career to save my life.
The Dark Side of a Dedicated Career. Medical doctors are known for our long hours and unwavering dedication to our patients. But what happens when this level of commitment turns into a destructive force? Workaholism, the compulsive drive to work excessive hours, is a growing concern in the medical profession, with a significant number of doctors struggling with the demands of our careers.
Amidst the bustling hospital halls,
Where healing hands attend to calls,
Amidst the chaos and the strife,
There stands a symbol of life.
As we’ve discussed in Part I, Impostor syndrome is highly prevalent and has multiple causes. Furthermore, it can have a range of negative effects on physicians, from decreased job satisfaction and confidence to missed diagnoses and poor patient outcomes. In this article we look at the impact of impostor syndrome on physicians and patients. We then explore 5 steps in overcoming physician impostor syndrome.
Impostor syndrome is a common phenomenon among physicians, where we feel like we are frauds in our profession and that we don’t deserve our success. It is believed that this feeling is often triggered by the high level of responsibility and stress that comes with being a doctor. Impostor syndrome can also be considered a risk factor for burnout and psychological distress.
Institutional betrayal in corporate medicine refers to instances in which physicians or other healthcare professionals feel that their employers have acted against their best interests, or violated their trust. This can occur in a number of different ways, from unfair treatment of staff to unethical business practices, and can have wide-ranging effects on both staff and patients.
We hope that, on this Valentine’s day when romantic love is celebrated, you got to spend some time with those you love. You are very loved by us here at Physicians Anonymous. So we wrote you all a little love poem.
Depending on which brand of English you speak, fine might be “awesome”, “doing great”, or “things could not be better”.
Often, however, “I’m fine” is just a throwaway term without meaning. If you are a physician, there’s a >6 in 10 chance you are NOT fine. Read on to find out more.
Few of us swear by Apollo the physician, and Asclepius, and Hygieia and Panacea. But all of us know, “First do no harm,” (which is actually a misquote from the Hippocratic Oath). The Oath underpins much of modern medical ethics and professionalism. Most of us ascribe to these broad principles, but in conversations with distressed colleagues, it is apparent that there are a minority of us who seem to be mired in hypocrisy rather than Hippocrates.